Blink Challenge is a platform for learning the cues of performance.
You will be challenged in game like settings to make the right call to optimize the outcome.
Crossing over to the arts, you will be asked to identify the best techniques and rate performance.
You can track your scores and compete with friends in our open challenges. Yes, we will have contest and prizes.
Best of all, you can track your growth and understanding of not only your sport of focus, but learn the strategies and cues in all sports.
Yes you can. Why?
If you are a pitcher, you can learn if you are tipping your pitches.
If you are a performer, you can gain new perspective and make the tweaks that drives the crowd to their feet.
As the coach you will see all the data on your players.
This data will help you understand what they know and are struggling to learn.
You know if they do their homework and know where they need help.
You can create your own plays and set up the videos so they can only be seen by your players. We give you control to make the call on who sees what.
You can also earn money by making the videos available to a fan base that you control or open to the public. We are sharing 30% of our advertising revenue with organizations.